Clubs & Conventions

Clubs & Conventions
The National Black Doll Museum is a proud member of (NEMA) The New England Museum Association a community of museums and professionals who work in them. We participate in supplying professional development, advocacy, thought leadership, research, networking opportunities as member in good standing.
In addition, we are proud of our (UFDC) United Federation Doll Clubs Region 15 New England membership. It’s an opportunity to collaborate on education, leadership training, and community service through participation in local clubs, enabling members and making a difference in the lives of others, one project at a time.
We actively collaborate, participate and co-ordinate with Black Gold Doll Club of New England located in Dorchester, MA in nurturing self esteem, preserving the history and educating the public on the significance of of Black Dolls.
We encourage you to get involved by volunteering at the museum, joining a club near you or starting a club or clicking a link below to become a part of the movement to nurture the self-esteem in a child.
Motor City Doll Club of Detroit – Home | Facebook
(20+) Black Gold Doll Club of New England | Facebook
The Club meets monthly call ahead for dates & times.
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Linden Place Doll Exhibit
What Only You Can Make: The Art of the African Wrap Doll
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